Brigitta Briner King
1954 Geboren in Bern, Schweiz
seit 1985 Atelier in Münsingen, Schweiz
2003-2011 Weiterbildung in Abform- und Kunststofftechnologie
2001-2003 Master of Art (MA), Royal College of Art, London
1988-1990 Diplom Kunsttherapie, Zürich
1978-1982 Diplom, Schule für Gestaltung, Bern
1973-1976 Semester HTL Biel, Architektur
2014 Lehrtätigkeit in der Schweiz, Oesterreich und Deutschland
seit 1988
2014 Kurslehrerin Lernwerk Bern, seit 2007: Kunststoffguss,
Keramiktechniken, Gipsformenbau, Abformtechniken
2014 Prüfungsexpertin Schule für Gestaltung, Bern, seit 1993
2005-2006 Dozentin, Ecole d'arts appliqués, Genève
2004-2005 Gastdozentin, Haute école d’arts appliqués, Genève
2004 Artist in Residence, Scottish Sculpture Workshop,
Lumsden, Aberdeen
Auszeichnungen, Stipendien, Sammlungen
2011 Sammlung Rodemund, Oesterreich
2009 Sammlung Stadt Münsingen, Schweiz
2004 Scottish Arts Council Stipendium
2003 Centre Prize (Shortlist), Royal College of Art, London
2003 NGT Award (Shortlist), Royal College of Art, London
2002 IKEA Stipendium
2001 Twyford Design Prize (2nd), Royal College of Art, London
2001 IKEA Stipendium
1998 Preis und Sammlung der Stadt Yverdon les Bains
1996 Sammlung IRIS Porvoo, Finnland
1995 Auszeichnung Form Forum Schweiz
1995 Sammlung Gewerbemuseum Winterthur
Ausstellungen (Auswahl)
2024 Keramikforum Bern, Chüechlihus, Langnau i.E.
2022 Keramikforum Bern, Langenthal
2022 "Gute Aussichten" auf dem Belpberg
2019 "Couples" Le Pavillion, Montet, Switzerland
2018 Keramikforum Bern, Elfenau, Bern
2016 "Borders" Le Pavillion, Montet, Switzerland
2015 Art Lab #2 | fama fame, London, England
2013 Le Pavillion, Montet, Switzerland
2013 Art Lab #1, Gepard 14, Bern, Switzerland
2011 Céramique suisse contemporaine, La Louvière, Belgien
2011 Internationale Keramik-Triennale, Spiez
2010 Galerie Medizin und Kunst, Neuhofen, A
2010 „Kunst am Wasser“, Bern
2007 Parcours céramique Carougeois, Genf
2007 Le Pavillon, Cudrefin
2006 “und…” Skulpturen Münsingen
2006 "Ceramic Art London"
2003 Hôtel de Ville, Yverdon-les-Bains
2003 Canary Wharf, London
2003 "Centre Prize", London
2003 Royal College of Art, "The Show", London
2002 Twyford's Award Show, London
2001 Artigram Gallery, Seoul
2001 Chungnam National University, Südkorea
2001 Triennale Internationale de la Porcelaine, Nyon
1996 Museum IRIS, Porvoo, Finnland
Brigitta Briner King
1954 Born in Bern, Switzerland
since 1985 Studio in Münsingen, Switzerland
2003-2011 Further studies in casting and resin technologies
2001-2003 MA Royal College of Art, London UK
1988-1990 Art Therapy Diploma, Zurich, Switzerland
1978-1982 BA Ceramics, School of Art and Design, Bern, Switzerland
1973-1976 Architecture studies
Work experience
2014 Teaching since 1988 in Switzerland, Austria and Germany
2014 Lecturer in further education for teachers since 1988:
plastermold making and cast resin
2014 External examiner, School of Art and Design,
Bern, Switzerland, since 1993
2005-2006 Lecturer, School of Applied Arts Geneva, Switzerland
2004-2005 Guest tutor, University of Applied Arts Geneva
2004 Artist in Residence Scottish Sculpture Workshop,
Lumsden UK
Awards, Collections
2011 Rodemund Collection, Austria
2009 Collection city of Münsingen, Switzerland
2004 Scottish Arts Council Stipendium and Research Residency
2003 Centre Prize (Shortlist), Royal College of Art, London
2003 NGT Award (Shortlist), Royal College of Art, London
2002 IKEA Stipend
2001 Twyford Design Prize (2nd), Royal College of Art, London
2001 IKEA Stipend
1998 Prize and Collection of Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
1996 Collection Iris, Porvoo, Finland
1995 Form Forum Schweiz, Jury Prize
1995 Collection, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
Exhibitions (Selection)
2022 Keramikforum Bern, Langenthal
2019 "Paare" Le Pavillion, Montet, Schweiz
2018 KeramikforumBern, Elfenau, Bern
2016 "Zaun" Le Pavillion, Montet, Schweiz
2015 Art Lab #2 | fama fame, London, England
2013 Le Pavillion, Montet, Schweiz
2011 Céramique suisse contemporaine, La Louvière, Belgium
2011 International ceramics Triennial Spiez, Switzerland
2010 Galerie Medizin und Kunst, Neuhofen, Austria
2010 „Kunst am Wasser“, Bern, Switzerland
2007 Parcours Céramique Carougeois, Geneva, Switzerland
2007 Le Pavillon, Cudrefin, Switzerland
2006 "CAL Ceramic Art London" UK
2006 “und…” Skulpturen Münsingen,
2003 Hôtel de Ville, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
2003 Canary Wharf, London UK
2003 Royal College of Art, The Show, London UK
2003 "Centre Prize", Great Eastern Hotel, London UK
2002 Twyford's Award Show, London
2001 International Triennial of Porcelain, Nyon, Switzerland
2001 Artigram Gallery, Seoul, Southkorea
2001 Chungnam National University, Chungnam, Southkorea
1996 IRIS Museum, Porvoo, Finland